Collect the moves, grow movement confidence and explore the magic of the natural world!
You can come up with your own version of the game, but here's some suggestions on how to get started.
If your kids joined a gymnastics class, this is the order they'd practice the moves. Your kids will take charge of their own progression, while focusing on the enjoyment of the magic system in Secret Ninja universe.
It's a Trading Card Game.
The Game is designed to help your child expand their imagination and movement skills.
Movement skills? How?
Ninjas use the powers in the cards to go on imaginary missions.
To 'activate' the powers they have to copy the move on the card, growing their strength and coordination, while exercising their imaginations.
Check out the 'how to play' video below.
Come on an adventure with Ninja Kicks or Nimble Numbat as we set gymnastics, dance and taekwondo moves to epic original storylines. We explore pro-social values like empathy, inclusivity and resilience and have a heap of fun along the way. Perfect as a movement break for the classroom, or to build your child's movement confidence in the loungeroom. Try it for free today:
Hi, I'm Keiran, a terribly awkward male model but that's just a cover for my real life as a Secret Ninja. I grew up in Canberra playing heaps of sport and I want your kids to have the same positive relationship with movement as my siblings and I do, and not feel the pressure to get 'good' at anyone else's pace but their own. So I made a super awesome, adventurous movement program called Secret Ninja School.
More than 200 teachers use it in classrooms around Australia which still blows me away. Anyway, I hope you're having a lovely day and get a chance to work on your blue steel at some point. In other words, remember to act like a four year old at least once today. Xoxo Lotsa love